Wednesday, February 17, 2010

First Vegan Meal

Tonight I made my first vegan meal - fresh, from scratch, and no meat or dairy present what-so-ever. It was quite the process and it took a lot of time - about 3 hours. I didn't realize how much time processed foods have been saving me! I've been making vegan meals up to now, but nothing from a recipe book and they have involved some processed foods. Thankfully we had another snow day today, giving me plenty of time to prepare the meal. I know I would not be able to make a meal like this on a typical work day.


Quinoa with Basil and Pine Nuts
Hijiki-Tofu Croquettes
Scarlet Roasted Vegetables
Plum Soup

I really enjoyed the dinner - what I ate of it. I know it doesn't look like much, but I was pretty tired by the time I finished. I made Ava spaghetti for supper, but also gave her a plate of these dishes. She played with them a little, but they were too foreign for her so she did not really eat them. AJ was a good sport and tried the late plate I left for him in the oven. In the end, he went for leftover pizza. Hopefully the next meal is a bigger hit. I have noticed that when I make these types of vegan dishes, with a meat dish for AJ, that he eats all of it. I may have to keep doing that for him. However, he has not yet tried the plum soup which is SCRUMPTIOUS!!!! I love it so much!

Update: AJ isn't getting any plum soup. I ate it ALL!!!!!!! lol

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