Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Surprises I LOVE!

I have been pleasantly surprised with the effects and tastes of two of my new favorite ingredients - whole wheat flour and brown rice. About a month ago I switched our usual bleached white flour to minimally processed whole wheat flour. I was shocked to find how much BETTER everything tastes when it is made with this flour. I've always liked the texture of wheat and other grains in their natural forms, so why did it take me so long to buy wheat flour? Everything from cookies and breads to entrees at meal time are improved with the use of wheat. Meals have a thicker consistency and baked goods have a coconut-like texture. Make the switch - you won't look back!

Since eliminating meat and dairy from my diet, I've relied heavily on grains. Brown rice has been a staple. I thought I would be bored with brown rice, fearful of a bland taste and boredom with meals. I've actually found my relationship with brown rice to be the complete opposite. Plus I feel so full after eating brown rice, I don't find myself searching through cabinets and the fridge looking for snacks during the afternoon and evening hours. Brown rice is better than any diet pill out there when it comes to conquering hunger. Another benefit of brown rice - beautiful skin. I know eliminating animal products has helped in this area too, but after researching the benefits of brown rice I found it contains essential B vitamins that promote healthy, youthful looking skin. Hallelujah!

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